Pandemic & other rough stuff

Many of us have come to realise that this terrible pandemic is, for billions of people just one thing on a list of other issues in their lives.
Living in or fleeing a conflict zone, poverty, disability, mental illness, chronic or rare disease, domestic or gendered violence, loneliness and frailty, discrimination, natural disasters or weather events exacerbated by climate change - the list goes on - as Covid continues, it's clear that we can't postpone care for those more vulnerable than ourselves until the pandemic subsides.
So today, I am launching a campaign - a place to share resources, support and requests that support the other things going on in people's lives. I welcome you to use this thread and/or the twitter account @p_ANDemic to share the following on the causes important to you:
really useful resources, organisations and social enterprise
if you're raising money for one of these causes
if you work or volunteer for a relevant organisation
if you NEED to recruit staff or volunteers (job board)
any relevant support tech e.g. community app, clinical support tool
academic work published by leading authorities
Sure you get the idea. Look, this may not work, but hopefully it will be a useful catalyst or forum to extend the reach of those dedicated to making the world a better place. I would be honoured for you to join in, if only to show a fragmented and fatigued world how many people care.
For graphics to support your own tweets and linkedin posts, please feel free to use this resource: